
British Classes

UK has class system. The British class system is very different from the other class systems,
it is more rigid than the other country such as United States. In history of UK, there were 3 types of class;the upper class, middle class, and working class. Nowadays, the middle class is separated into 3 class. there are "upper middle class", "middle class", and "lower middle class".


●upper class

.....aristocrat, politician, King, Queen..

The people of his class are only 1% in Britain. They have a lot of money, of cause, they have a big power for the government of UK. They do not need to work hard because they have to protect and continue their family and wealth, it is their job.
upper middle class
....doctor, lawyer...
middle class
....teacher, white color
lower middle class
..... businessman
working class (skilled)
.....engineer, carpenters, electrician....
working class (unskilled)
.....water/watress, dishwashers....
under class
.....homeless people.....

Difference of each class

The class is judged by clothes in Britain. the people of higher class wear the tidy clothes. The necktie is the "sign" of middle class or more. The people of the working class or less are careless for the clothes. Pierce is also fashion of working class.

The English of working class is very different from higher class. Its accent is very local, and they can not speak standard English. However, the people of higher class can speak very good English. they study the standard English and they do not use so much the slang, so we can understand the class from English that they speak.
3. meals

In UK, foods are very cheap basically. especially, bread, milk, potato, corn, beans are really cheaper than Japan, so the people of working class or less are can eat those food. however, meat, fresh vegetables, and fish are more expensive, so these food is used for the people of higher class.

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