
The languages of UK

The maun language of UK is English. 70% of peple in UK speak English. However there are some minority languages in UK.

For example


but Manx and Cornish has died out.


Welsh is spoken by 19-20% speakers. This is a branch of the Celtic languages spoken in Wales.

There are speakers of Welsh in Great Britain, the United States, canada, and New Zealand, but the number of speakers are not so many. In 1991, the the number of Welsh-speaker was about 19 per cent. however, in 2001, the number rose to 21 per cent. This result is good thing for the minority language.

The reason of rise of speakers is that the primary school
has a education program of welsh. the TV program also
help thet, so the number of speakers aged between 3-15 rose.

In the south, There are not so much Welsh-speakers, but
in midland, Welsh is spoken more naturally.



Girl's school

The famous girl's schools in UK are Cheltenham, Roedean, Benenden, Wycombe, and Abbey school.
Wycombe Abbey School
Wycombe Abbey is one of the most famous independent girls' schools in Britain. Since 1896, the Wycombe Abbey school has been forefront of girl's education. The founder is Dame Frances Dove.
It is boarding school.
"'You're always with your friends''
"Less time commuting to school and more time doing something more interesting!"
This is the reason that Wycombe Abbey school is boarding school.

Aerobics/ Fitness /Training (UV up) /Athletics /Kickboxing (over 14s)
Badminton /Life Saving /Ballet /Polo
Basketball /Riding /Climbing/ Rifle Club (over 14s)
Dance Club /Rowing /Fencing /Sailing
Football /Self-defence/ Golf /Street Dance
Gym Club /Squash /Hockey Club
Judo/ Swimming/Karate /Trampolining

Computer club /International cinema club
Flying /Caledonian Society (Calsoc)/ Green society
Orchestras/ Choirs /Choral Group
...and more
There are a lot of clubs and societies in Wycombe Abbey school.


Geography/Drama/Religious Studies/Music
Physical Education/Design Technology/ICT
History of Art/Art and Design/Economics
Government and Politics/Critical Thinking/PSHCE


Universities in UK

The University of Oxford

Oxford University is the oldest university in the English-speaking world. It is constructed in 11 century, so this university has a long history. It located in English city of Oxford. it takes 1 hour to go to London by train.

Oxford university is really famous and traditional university in the world. There are over 20,000 students at Oxford, including 11,734 undergraduates, 8,101 postgraduates, and there are 10 per cent international students.

47 Nobel laureates, 25 prime minsters, 5 kings of UK, and more then 50 medalist of Olympic game graduated from Oxford University so far

It is regarded as one of the world's leading academic institution. The university of Oxford does not have a clear date of foundation.

The University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge is second oldest university in English-speaking world and forth oldest in Europe. it is established in 1209. This university was formed by the sholars leaving from Oxford. the two anciant university is called as "Oxbridge".

There are 31 colleges and over 150 depertments, faculties, schools, and other institutions.


There are a lot of colleges in the Cambridge university. Each college is very unique. Most college hold "Formal Hall" once a week at least. Formall Holl is a dinner party. All students and teachers dress up, gather in the dining hall, and they enjoy having a dinner and chatting with thier friends.

Meal is very different in each college. In college where the tradition and status are valued, the seat for teacher is higher than the seat for students, and the meal for teachers is also better than for students. on the other hand, in the colleges called "democratic" have a same meal and same seat for students and teachers.


British Classes

UK has class system. The British class system is very different from the other class systems,
it is more rigid than the other country such as United States. In history of UK, there were 3 types of class;the upper class, middle class, and working class. Nowadays, the middle class is separated into 3 class. there are "upper middle class", "middle class", and "lower middle class".


●upper class

.....aristocrat, politician, King, Queen..

The people of his class are only 1% in Britain. They have a lot of money, of cause, they have a big power for the government of UK. They do not need to work hard because they have to protect and continue their family and wealth, it is their job.
upper middle class
....doctor, lawyer...
middle class
....teacher, white color
lower middle class
..... businessman
working class (skilled)
.....engineer, carpenters, electrician....
working class (unskilled)
.....water/watress, dishwashers....
under class
.....homeless people.....

Difference of each class

The class is judged by clothes in Britain. the people of higher class wear the tidy clothes. The necktie is the "sign" of middle class or more. The people of the working class or less are careless for the clothes. Pierce is also fashion of working class.

The English of working class is very different from higher class. Its accent is very local, and they can not speak standard English. However, the people of higher class can speak very good English. they study the standard English and they do not use so much the slang, so we can understand the class from English that they speak.
3. meals

In UK, foods are very cheap basically. especially, bread, milk, potato, corn, beans are really cheaper than Japan, so the people of working class or less are can eat those food. however, meat, fresh vegetables, and fish are more expensive, so these food is used for the people of higher class.


British Food


The gorgeous breakfast of England is called “full English breakfast”. It is very famous in British food.
Menu is morning tea, fresh fruits juice, some kinds of cereals, baked beans, sausage, egg, bacon, tomato, and toasts. It is very big breakfast. However, normal home have more simple breakfast, don’t have “full English Breakfast”.

..Tea time..

British people have 6 tea times in a day. There are Early morning tea, Breakfast tea, Elevenses tea, Afternoon tea break, High tea, and After dinner tea.

Elevenses tea is the tea time at 11 in the morning. The house work of morning is finished at 11, so after that, they have a elevenses tea time. Afternoon tea is very big party. They have tea with sandwich, scone, and lot of sweets.


Some Interesting Blog Reports

Miki's blog

I like animals so this blog is really interesting. I think the birds are very important animal in new zealand. "Many of birds in NZ can not fly because there were no human so it's safe for birds to live in the ground." I didn't know that, so I was so surprised and I think it is very interesting fact.


New Zealand English

English has specific characteristics of each region. New Zealand has also its characteristic of them. When I had stayed in New Zealand in one month, I had heard a lot of interesting pronunciation and some wards that may come from Maori. I was really interested in that. I will tell you about it for 3 points. There are the origin of New Zealand English, the relation of Maori language, and the pronunciation and some interesting example of New Zealand English.

Which country is the origin of New Zealand English, England or Australia? The northern hemisphere English speakers, the New Zealand English is similar to its big neighbor, Australia. However they have difference historical settlement. Australia was probably settled by humans like aborigine over 50,000 years ago, but New Zealand was the last habitable landmass in the world to be colonized, so their English is different a little.

The origin of New Zealand English is England. As you know, New Zealand was one of the colonies of Britain. There are some varieties in British English as Japanese. Many people think all British people speak the Received Pronunciation (RP), but people in London spoke Estuary English (it means cockney). New Zealand was pioneered by people who spoke estuary English, so New Zealander usually speaks it, not Received Pronunciation, especially south island. Dunedin is the town which this english accent influence is most evident in the southern region in New Zealand. However some people say that new Zealand English is not from cockney, it is a gross over exaggeration because new Zealand English accent has some features markedly in others. The first English speaker came to New Zealand in 1792, but they were Australian rather than British. The trickle of settlers from Britain and Australia increased during 19th century, and it became a flood after the treaty of Waitangi in 1840.
New Zealand was settled by both big countries, which is Britain and Australia. By mid-century, the number of Pakeha (it means European people in Maori.) was got over the Maori people. All settlers of each country naturally spoke their own English accent and English varieties along with them, so there are many influences to New Zealand English from several dialects like Scottish, Irish America, Australia, and England.
According to Canterbury University researchers, New Zealand English is like “mixing bowl” because several English accents in New Zealand English as its base is the received English. However, recently, the research by Victoria University is that the British English and Scottish English had already been “pre-mixed” in Australia before coming to New Zealand.
Cleary then, the closest accent of New Zealand English is Australian English, because in many ways, New Zealand English is descended from Australia. Also new Zealand English is close to south African English, as all three southern hemisphere countries were settled at roughly same time.

New Zealand also has a big influence of Maori. The important source of new Zealand English vocabulary, and which makes it uniquely different from any other English dialect is Maori language. The Polynesian ancestors of Maori arrived only about 1150-1200 AD. New Zealand was occupied by the people speaking the single language, so Maori people were persecuted by the Pakeha, but they were not victimized, so some Maori language were still used in new Zealand. Almost of the Maori languages now is the name of plants, animal, trees, and some cultural wards like “marae” (it means ceremonial ground) and “mana” (it means authority). Maori language is closely related to Hawaiian, Tahitian, and other Polynesian language.
Some pronunciation is really interesting in New Zealand. It is close to Australian English and South African English. However some words are different. For example, Australian speaks “fish and chips” as “feesh and cheeps”, but in new Zealand, they speak “fish and chips” as “fush and chups”, “yes” as “yiss”, “sixty-six” as “suxty-sux”. They also write like this. When I stayed in New Zealand, I heard these wards in school, town, and anywhere. I was confused when I heard these words for the first time. In addition, some vocabulary words are also different. For example, Australian says “mobile phone”, but New Zealander says “cell phone”. There are a lot of differences from American English. American speaks “candy” but New Zealander speaks “lolly”. My host mother said “lolly”, I couldn’t understand its meaning. The answer in the classroom is “here” in America, but in new Zealand, the answer is “yes”. American says “fall” but New Zealander says “autumn”.
There are a lot of vocabulary differences from other countries and differences of pronunciation. New Zealand English is similar to Australian English actually, but it has a many ingredients of English dialects, so we will be confused sometimes. However it is very interesting and good characteristic of New Zealand English. We can also understand its history. I want to study more about New Zealand English and I want to speak it.


Pioneer Settlers

In 19th century, many English people came to New Zealand. The trip was really hard. Most new settlers were from England, Scottland, Ireland and wales, so their English and culture became like English. They pioneered the New Zealand, so it became beautiful and good place to live.


The Treaty of Waitangi

The treaty of Waitangi is really important thing in New Zealand's history. Maori people signed that treaty in 6 February 1840.

Naval officer Captain William Hobson came to NZ and he persuade the Maori people that Great Britain should take over the job of governing the northern part of NZ.

Henry Williams is very inportant person to sign this treaty because he translated the documents into Maori. He was not feeling too comfortable about this treaty because he had bought 4500 hectares from Maori, but he helped to persuaded the Maori chiefs to sign this treaty.

When I stayed in New Zealand, I went the big event of Waitangi Day in the Square. That day is the national holiday in NZ, so university had also no class. There were a lot of people and many stalls in the Square. A lot of Maori accessaries and post cards were sold there. I also saw many Maori people. There is the big stage in middle of the park, some people were talking and singing on the stage. A few people tried the tattoo of Maori in the park. It was really scary. After I got home and I turned on the TV, I watched a lot of reports about events of Waitangi day.

I think Waitangi Day is really important national holiday!Y



Palmerston North*

Have you ever been to New Zealands I had stayed in Palmerston North in North Island for a month when I was sophomore. It is not so big but very beautiful cityY

Many shops are gathered around the Square, so we can buy anything there! For example, we can go to the shops of clothes, food, CDs, souvenirs etc. we also have a good meal or break at the restaurant or café.

George Street is famous as a café street. There are a lot of small cafes on both sides on the street. We can eat many sweet cakes and many kind of coffeeY
So I recommend that you go to Gerge St.